As a lawyer who had spent most of her time handling Human Rights cases and facing an injustice that was systemic, I dreamed of having a vehicle that would reflect or be consistent with my values
I wanted to leave something that would guide those who remain to remember me in what would be my legacy by sharing my Estate Looking back, this was a naïve view of life because I do not have a pile of cash in the bank. I simply have a name I call my currency.
In light of the above I ask that you join forces with me and together let`s make a difference – BECAUSE WE CAN.
I made a difference by JOINING FORCES:
• The cooperatives were trained to produce organic vegetables
• The cooperatives were trained to process surplus vegetables
• A local market was sought for cooperatives to sell their produce.
• Khulisa was supported and has been renovated. A play area for the children
was transformed into a friendly landscaping.
• Instead of assisting only Khulisa, the support has been extended to 32 Early
Childhood Development Centres in Umdoni Municipality.
Please read read more about our Milestones
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