By Linda Zama
Today it was an honour and a privilege to serve lunch at Uphephile Creche, in an informal settlement called Banana City.More than 150 children were served ranging from toddlers to early teens. The creche is not supported by the Department of Social Development because it does not meet government criteria after all it is located at an informal settlement.
However, there are children here. Thanks to Mama Thembi who looks after these children and relies on meagre contributions from childsupport grants and support from donors like the Linda Zama Foundation. Apart from serving a meal, these children need good quality education. This is not impossible even in an informal settlement. It can and will be done.
The creche needs land and mobile classrooms. It also requires trained child minders. This is not unreachable. There may be good samaritans out there listening or reading this message. Today, I met amazing women who are making refreshing lemonade from lemon. I received much more than what I gave.